Monday, December 04, 2006

Beckett: a new template

I've changed the blog template courtesy of the remarkably-named Blogger Templates site. How could me resist a template called Beckett?

UPDATE: I've noted that this new template background looks black on some PCs. On my iBook it is definitely not black (though what colour it is remains a mystery). Apologies for the unintended blackness. I'll try to improve it (though I am to HTML coding what Suite Française fans are to sound judgement).


  1. Anonymous10:28 pm

    But it doesn't look like Beckett. Orange? Also, there's the old problem of white-on-black being so difficult to read (which is kind of what we're up to). Plus, at the risk of protesting too much, the old format was right for the tone, the voice. Try Bernhard.
    Still, thanks, I should also say, for what you're doing.

  2. It looks more like Margaret Beckett, I admit. But I think it is easier to read that the old template. I didn't like the narrow margins and line-spacing of that either, so a denser pack of words makes me feel able to post more quotations without one having to scroll down the page with eyes and scroll bar.

    Most people read this in RSS feed I'd imagine, so they won't even notice the change!

    But thanks for the comment.

  3. Anonymous4:40 pm

    I like the old format too -- I found it easier to read. This one looks rather formidable. And a little dark. Which I guess are both good Beckett qualities.

  4. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Hey, I like it. I like Beckett too. I even like you Stephen. So there you go.

    Lee Rourke.

  5. Oh, who cares.

    It does look less professional; more teen-angst retro "punk" at least to American eyes.

    There is an easy way to adjust the margins in any blogger template. It has to do with numbers, as I recall.

  6. On my screen it's very black. A journey into outer space. Vast enough for search to be in vain. Narrow enough for flight to be in vain.

  7. This post is now out of date as I've dumped the Beckett template. Too dark, text too small.


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