Thursday, September 27, 2007

A pewterful of podcasts

I was very impressed with John Cheever's story Reunion as read by Richard Ford in the New Yorker's fiction podcast. Brevity again.

BBC Radio 4's In Our Time is back, much to my relief. After the Guardian Football Weekly, it's my favourite podcast and I've missed it over the Summer. The new series (not "season") begins with a discussion about Socrates. Next week, "antimatter". A parlour game we might enjoy is to wonder which academics would be ideal guests for shows on ideal subjects (Blanchot, Bernhard etc).


  1. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Good god, thank you for alerting me to In Our Time! I can see myself spending a whole day listening to past shows...

  2. Anonymous7:58 pm

    'Reunion' is terrific isn't it? Three pages in my edition of Cheever but packs so much in. Wish I'd picked up the podcast with Ford reading it. I read it to my wife recently and got a sense of how it could sound if delivered, well, properly.


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