Sunday, June 02, 2024

39 Books in one

For anyone interested (you there in the phone box), here's a PDF of the 39 Books series.

As the introduction explained, the books were chosen from those on my books-read lists that I hadn't written about before. I thought it might be instructive to contrast the books I did write about for each year. Before 2007, I wrote elsewhere and almost all reviews are now behind paywalls or offline due to webzines becoming defunct. After 2006, I wrote exclusively on this blog, barring Tao Lin's first novel which I found on Wayback Machine; included because I like the review's title. 

JM Coetzee – Diary of a Bad Year
Tao Lin – Eeeee Eee Eeee

Jeanette Winterson – The Stone Gods
Thomas Glavinic – Night Work

Dag Solstad – Novel 11, Book 18
Jonathan Littel – The Kindly Ones
Jean Echenoz – Ravel
Nick Cave – The Death of Bunny Munro
JM Coetzee – Summertime

Gabriel Josipovici – What Ever Happened to Modernism?
Paul Celan / Ingeborg Bachmann – Correspondence
Mathias Énard – Zone
Thomas Bernhard – My Prizes

Peter Handke – Across, Repetition, and The Afternoon of a Writer
Judith Hermann – Alice
Pascal Quignard – The Roving Shadows
Geoff Nicholson – The Lost Art of Walking
Jeffrey Lewis – The Meritocracy Quartet
Thomas Bernhard – Victor Halfwit
Samuel Beckett – Letters 1941-1956

Lars Iyer – Dogma
Gabriel Josipovici – Infinity
Edouard Levé – Suicide
Karl Ove Knausgaard – My Struggle vol. 1
Sinéad Murphy – The Art Kettle
Enrique Vila-Matas – Dublinesque
Karl Ove Knausgaard – A Time to Every Purpose Under Heaven
Nicolas Cauwe – Easter Island: The Great Taboo
Paul Auster – Winter Journal

Lars Iyer – Exodus
Karl Ove Knausgaard – My Struggle vol. 2
Miguel de Beistegui – Proust as Philosopher
Michel Laub – Diary of the Fall
Reiner Stach – Kafka: The Years of Insight

Ágota Kristóf – The illiterate
Karl Ove Knausgaard – My Struggle vol. 3
Lars Iyer – Wittgenstein Jr
Tao Lin – Taipai
Georges Bataille – Prehistoric Painting: Lascaux or the Birth of Art

Jen Craig – Panthers and the Museum of Fire
Jeff Fort – The Imperative to Write
Gabriel Josipovici – Migrations
Ellis Sharp – Lamees Najim
Jill Stauffer – Ethical Loneliness

Thomas Bernhard – Goethe Dies
Charlie Hill – Stuff
Karl Ove Knausgaard – My Struggle vol. 5

Enrique Vila-Matas – Vampire in Love
Mathias Énard – Compass
Gabriel Josipovici – In a Hotel Garden
Rainer J. Hanshe and Federico Gori – Shattering the Muses
Karl Ove Knausgaard – Autumn
Peter Handke – To Duration

JM Coetzee – The Childhood and Schooldays of Jesus
Sarah Kofman – Smothered Words
Gabriel Josipovici – The Cemetery in Barnes
Dante – Vita Nuova
TJ Clark – Heaven on Earth: Painting and the Life to Come

Josef Czapski – Lost Time: Lectures on Proust
Kirsty Gunn – Caroline's Bikini
Ágota Kristóf – Yesterday
Mary Costello – The River Capture
Lars Iyer – Nietzsche and the Burbs

JM Coetzee – The Death of Jesus
Sam Pink – The Ice Cream Man and other stories
Gert Hofmann – Veilchenfeld
Willem Styfhals – No Spiritual Investment in the World

Peter Holm Jensen – The Moment
Sam Riviere – Dead Souls
Darren Allen – Drowning is Fine
Karl Ove Knausgaard – The Morning Star

Jerry Z. Muller – Professor of Apocalypse
Jean-Luc Champerret – The Lascaux Notebooks
Franz Kafka – The Aphorisms

Ellis Sharp – Month of the Drowned Dog
Lars Iyer – My Weil
Jen Craig – Wall
Kevin Hart – Maurice Blanchot on Poetry and Narrative
Richard Ford – Be Mine

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 pm

    Thank you very much for this. It was a very enjoyable series, and I love having all the entries in one place.


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