Friday, May 20, 2005

An obscure and experimental song & video

The song I gave you from the debut LP by Superwolf did not impress very much upon me. It was the final song of a relatively disappointing LP in Bonnie Prince Billy's anti-career. Then I saw this video made by Mike Piscitelli (click on 'film/video' and then 'Bonnie Prince Billy' - the designer of this site needs a slap). This is the Necessary.


  1. Anonymous7:41 am

    Thanks for the link to that video, Steve - I'm a Palace/Billy/Will aficionado, but have just never been able to get into that Superwolf album. Strange how putting a frame around the song can focus attention to what's going on within it...

    Hope you don't mind me linking to your blog from my own (undergoing a torturously slow birth, and currently residing chez MSN). I thought I might be the only literary-PhD-abandoner (or abandonee, given how these things go) with a Will Oldham fixation out there in blogland...

  2. Thanks Mike. The Brute Choir is one of my favourite songs too!


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