Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nano question

Another step has been taken by me into the 21st century (the one in which we'll all die). I have acquired an iPod Nano.

The best feature is the ability to download podcasts and listen to them at work. I do not have the patience to listen outside working hours, but during them I hardly notice the time passing, even if the subject matter isn't of my choosing. Boon-tastic.

So far I've listened to Radio 4's In Our Time on Alexander von Humboldt, Bat Segundo chatting with publishers, Wole Soyinka (who seems like a lovely man) in conversation with Michael Silverblatt and, today, oh lucky me, it was Martin Amis on Radio 3's excellent new Arts Talk podcast service. I'll return to the latter's bizarre comments and observations when time returns at the weekend. During the meanwhilst however, has anyone got recommendations for other literary podcasts?


  1. Anonymous11:39 pm

    Welcome to our universe earthling ;-)

    Patchy but pleasant - Guardian bookclub do a podcast which you can get to via here

    In our time is, for me, the best of the bunch so far.

    But if you're into radio then there are quite cheap programmes to buy that will automatically record what you want (eg a week's worth of Book at Bedtime or Front Row etc) in a format that integrates easily into iTunes.

  2. Anonymous6:16 pm


    I can do you 10 minutes of Ray Carver reading his poetry.

  3. Anonymous4:03 am

    Lots of great poetry readings here, including the late great Jackson MacLow:

  4. Anonymous4:58 pm

    ...and also here:

    (this is the Conjunctions Audio Archive, which includes Robert Kelly reading his Berlin Sonnets; Lydia Davis reading New Year's Resolution; Carole Maso reading from The Passion of Anne Frank; Paul Auster reading from The Book of Illusions; plus William Gass, Mary Caponegro, William Weaver reading from his translations of Italo Calvino, and lots more...)

    There's more Robert Kelly here, along with Rosmarie Waldrop, Robin Blaser, Charles Bernstein, etc.:

  5. Terrific! Thanks for the suggestions. The long days at work won't be such a chore now.

  6. Anonymous8:06 pm

    I'd like to know if there are any blogs out there specifically focused on rounding up literary audio/podcasts for those of us with the little mp3 friends -


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