Monday, January 22, 2007

Bernhard at the KGB

New Yorkers, open your diaries. Everyone else, your wrists. On the 18th of February at 7pm, the KGB Bar hosts an evening of readings from the work of Thomas Bernhard. The organiser Jonathan Taylor writes that "several American writers who admire Bernhard or have been influenced by their encounters with his work will read and discuss chosen selections - bringing favorite Bernhardian monologues to life as performances, and exposing a wider public to the qualities that have drawn many innovative writers to his work."

The readers will be Wayne Koestenbaum, Rhonda Lieberman, Ben Marcus, Geoffrey O'Brien and, to my surprise, Dale Peck. Has he ever written on Bernhard? Jonathan Taylor says of Peck that his "favorite Bernhard novels are Old Masters, Concrete, and Woodcutters, although not always in that order."


  1. Wow. I'll try to make it to that. I hadn't heard about it until just now.

  2. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Hello -- Thanks for the mention of the reading! I'm quite excited about it, as are all the participants. I wanted to add that the event will be recorded and made into a podcast, for those who can't make it. I'll furnish details to, and anyone with any questions can email me at jonathandouglastaylor (at gmail).
    --Jonathan Taylor


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