Thursday, September 27, 2007

The celestial ennui

We are reaching the end of literary culture - rather as we have just about reached the end of poetry, says Nicholas Lezard.
All the better, say I, for literature.

Michael Rosen rejects such "hyperbole": Hundreds of thousands of people read, write and/or go to poetry gigs - and that's gigs of all kinds, not just poetry 'readings' but jams and slams etc.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking then.


  1. Rosen's comment might well serve to illustrate the validity of Lezard's.

  2. Anonymous8:56 pm

    "Hundreds of thousands of people read, write and/or go to poetry gigs - and that's gigs of all kinds, not just poetry 'readings' but jams and slams etc."

    The fact that the great majority of these "readers" are also wannabe "writers", therefore generating horrendous "poetry" feedback-loops at these "jams and slams", seems to have escaped Rosen's notice. One might as well claim that macrame is enjoying a Renaissance, on evidence of all those awful little stalls set up at the seasonal crafts fair.


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