Monday, February 11, 2008

Brief update

As some of you will have read at RSB, I've been unable to post here for a while. Many thanks to those of you who have sent messages of support. I hope to be back to something approaching normal within a fortnight, although what I write then might not be quite the same as before. If so, the head injury might not be entirely bad.

As I spent two weeks in hospital without much contact with the world, let alone internet access, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I've just noticed Cambridge University Press is, at last, due to publish The Letters of Samuel Beckett: Volume 1, 1929–1940 later this year. Great news!


  1. Anonymous11:33 am

    Great to have you back Steve. Get fully better very soon please!

  2. I was sorry to hear about your accident. Best of luck getting better.

  3. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Glad to hear you're up and about Steve. And just think, Borges only started writing fiction after a clonk on the head. Who knows!

  4. Anonymous4:52 pm


    Great to see your words here. More please.


  5. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Really sorry about the accident and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

  6. Congratulations on your recovery — hope you're feeling all better soon!

  7. Sorry to hear of your mishap, Steve, and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

  8. Much relieved to see/hear your voice again

  9. Really good to hear your voice, Steve. Take the very best care of yourself

  10. Anonymous9:02 am

    Speedy recovery, Steve. Speedier than CUP's publication timetable of Beckett's letters - we've been a long time waiting for those.

  11. Anonymous10:07 am

    Life very boring without This Space, so hope recovery fast and furious.

  12. Good to see you seem to be on the mend. Hope all goes well, and you can even perhaps begin to enjoy the convalescence...if that's not offering a little much in the way of silver linings.

  13. Eat lots of dark chocolate! Life is indeed boring without This Space, so please do get better soon.

  14. Oh my god! As a fellow cyclist I often fear exactly what befell you. I'm so glad you're back and reasonably healthy again--though recovering. Damn, my thoughts are with you and best wishes for you to make a swift recovery.

    Has anyone set up a fund to donate money to get you a new bike? I'm in.

  15. Welcome back! You were greatly missed.

  16. Thanks everyone. Todd, good to hear from you again. To answer your question, there's no fund. Right now I'm not thinking about cycling again.

  17. I was wondering what had happened to the blog and hoping you hadn't abandoned it... very sorry to hear about your accident and hope you recover quickly.

    Hugo Wilcken

  18. Anonymous9:44 pm

    Yes get well - and get back! - soon Steve.

  19. So sorry to hear about your accident, Steve. Take things really easy and look after yourself. You've been missed.

  20. Anonymous8:31 pm

    Glad to hear you are well.

    On the Beckett letters: £90 for one volume, how is that even possible?

  21. I missed the £90 figure. The words "copy" and "review" are forming a phrase in my mind.

  22. Anonymous12:45 am

    Nice to hear from you, Steve - looking forward to you return.

  23. Eager for your next post Steve!


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