Saturday, March 05, 2005

Fortitude that finds no raison d'être

Even though I know it doesn't matter, I experience a mixture of bitterness, contempt, anger and loathing for people who begin interesting blogs then announce that it is to end because they say it takes up too much time and that they are too busy to give it the time it deserves, or that they want to get back to the real world. Bullshit.

Also, I feel sadness. But mainly the rest.

And I've started looking again in the American Literature section of the library - that is I was looking before it closed and am looking again now that it's reopened - for Robert Lowell's Collected Poems. But it's not appeared, ever. Nor has it appeared in paperback in the real world.

Not that I care really. I have at least one collection of Lowell's poetry (History) and I've not read it all. It's just that I really like one poem, which happens to be a translation of Mallarmé's Swan. I know it by heart for some reason. I never tried to learn it. And somewhere in a box, I'm sure I have his Imitations. But I've not read any of it. So I don't know why I'm looking for the too-big new collection (Michael Hofmann's enthusiasm has something to do with it, I'm sure). One poem is enough though. The book is too big.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:18 pm

    '... I experience a mixture of bitterness, contempt, anger and loathing for people who begin interesting blogs then announce that it is to end because they say it takes up too much time and that they are too busy to give it the time it deserves, or that they want to get back to the real world. Bullshit. '

    Steve - have you ever tried foucusing this anger of yours.It would be wonderful if you could. It's just that your comtempt some times gets the better of you. One could say that may be from an artistic point of view that you need to take a closer more objective look at the world around you. It may well take your writing forward.



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