Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New Gert Hofmann paperback

It still hasn't been published in the UK, but later this month New Directions is already issuing a paperback of Gert Hofmann's sublime Lichtenberg & the Little Flower Girl. If - like at least one journalist - you thought Kehlmann's Measuring the World was an outbreak of Germanic lightness and storytelling, then this should help open new literary vistas. As the translator says: It's probably the zaniest, gloomiest, and funniest thing you've read in a long time, if not ever. Do yourself and literature in general a favour and read it.


  1. Anonymous8:10 am

    Hi Steve,

    Actually, I quite liked Measuring the World. I didn't like the to and fro of its narrative, but it was entertaining enough.

    Lichtenberg is another matter: a wonderful work. I reviewed it glowingly on ReadySteadyBook a wee while back.

    New Directions publish some great stuff, including my new favourite Antonio Tabucchi ...

  2. Lichtenberg and the Little Flower Girl will - finally - be published in the UK this week, by CB Editions.


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